Contact Us

Business and Advertising

For questions about the business side of the site including featured listings and banner ads please contact us at <> or call 833-FINDAHAUNT (346-3242).

Accounts, Listings, and Other Technical Issues

If your question is about the technical side of the site, whether it be your account to maintain your listing(s), the listings themselves, how to best search on the site, or anything else of a technical nature then please contact us at <>.

I just need help using the site

If your question is not related to the business or technical parts of the site then please contact us at <>.

No matter which address you send your question to you should hear back from us very soon. If you think you may have sent it to the wrong address don't worry, we'll pass it along to the person it needs to reach. Sending it to the correct address just gets you a faster response!