Cutting Edge Haunted House, Ft. Worth, TX
Cutting Edge Haunted House, Ft. Worth, TX - Texas is a huge state for haunted attractions with over 30 in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area alone. One of the largest in the area, is the Cutting Edge Haunted House in Ft. Worth Texas. Once the holder of the Guinness Book of World Records for the Largest Haunted House in the world, The Cutting Edge is a massive attraction. Good detail and size alone make this haunt worth the ticket price. A walk-in closet room to rival all others, cemetery, elaborate butcher shop conveyor system and more. A little too much fog in places for me, couldn't see the great detail that was there, but that same was used to great effect with thundering lightning flashes in others. Bring an extra set of clothes with you for the finally of this attraction is a dripping wet area followed by a foam filled hallway, so you will be wet and foamy at the end (unless you take the hidden bypass... don't tell them I told you there was one!) Just off I-30 near downtown Ft. Worth, you can't miss the giant creature on the top of the building. Check it out this October!